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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Book Summaries

Top Contract Strategies for Women in Business

Navigating the realm of business contracts can be daunting, especially for women entrepreneurs running their businesses from home. Understanding the essentials of contract creation, negotiation, and execution is not just beneficial; it's necessary to ensure the smooth operation of your business and safeguard your interests. This Women Home Business guide aims to empower you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate business contracts confidently,...

Thriving at Home: Side Hustles for Moms Making a Comeback

Embarking on the recovery journey is a testament to strength and resilience, especially for moms. Learn the strategies to start your side hustle.

6 Startup Tips to Creating Your Own Stiletto Network

It’s the new women’s movement—and it’s sweeping the nation. Successful and motivated women are forming salons, organizing dinners, and meeting over cocktails with a purpose: supporting and advancing women.

Considering Entrepreneurship? How to Know If You Should Take the Plunge

Thinking of becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business? Here are questions that you should be asking yourself.

What I Know Now About Success Book Review

People succeed, not because they never make mistakes, but because they have the courage to overcome adversities and challenges. Even the most accomplished and successful individuals have fears and insecurities. They have their missteps as well. Read the review of the book "What I Know Now About Success: Letters from Extraordinary Women to Their Younger Selves.”

Common Mistakes Women Make in their Careers

If keep getting overlooked for promotions or your career is not where it should be, it may be because you are making some mistakes that hinders the growth of your career. Here are a few of the mistakes that you could be making.

The Winning Habits: Four Secrets of Success

How do people succeed? What makes them do extremely well in their endeavors? What traits propel these people to the top? The book "The Winning Habits: 4 Secrets That Will Change The Rest Of Your Life" by Dick Lyles reveals four simple winning habits that can propel you to success.

How to Keep You on the Path of Perseverance

Even beyond passion and planning, perseverance is the critical element that gets the winner to the finish line every time. Changing your life is hard work, so what do you do when your energy is flagging and it seems like there’s a setback at every turn? Here are 21 tips and tactics to keep you on the path of perseverance.

The Ladder of Commitment

Are you going to achieve your most important targets for the coming year? Your answer to that question can reveal a lot about where you are on what I call "the Ladder of Commitment ", and is generally highly predictive of how far you'll go in your pursuit of success. Here's a quick look at that ladder from the bottom up, along with what may be a surprising conclusion about what it really takes to reach your targets, in business and in life ...

10 Entrepreneurial Strategies for Success

From the book "The Risk Takers," learn the common traits that bind successful entrepreneurs. These shared traits are not merely a coincidence; they are the keys to their success. Use these 10 strategies in your business to achieve success.

6 Strategies to Overcome Adversity

Even though there is talk that things are turning around, 2010 is going to be tough for many. Learn how 10 extraordinary people overcame great adversity in their personal or professional lives by applying winning strategies that guided them out of the darkness of near-defeat and into the light of success.

How Prepared Are You to Run a Business?

Are you prepared to run a business? This is the question that Linda J. Lord’s new book “The Pitch: Business Lessons Learned on the Soccer Field” explores. Making the decision to start a business is just the first step; the real test is how well you can run the business. Your level of preparedness – mentally, intellectually and emotionally -- can spell the difference between the success and failure of your business.

10 Ways to Become a Girl on Top

She knows how to work a room, she’s always impeccably dressed, and no matter how hard you might try you just can’t seem to break her confidence. Hate her or love her, everyone wants to be her. Here are 10 tactics to achieving your own Girl on Top status

Learning from Martha Stewart: 10 Rules for Starting a Business

What does it take to really need to successfully start a business? Martha Stewart, one of the most successful women in business today, lists down the essential elements to start an entrepreneurial venture in her book “The Martha Rules.”